
C.S. Lewis

We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.

Chapter one

Lost in the Weeds

Have the weeds of life started to choke your garden? We begin our journey in a barren field, the kind that only can sustain weeds with shallow roots. But every story has a beginning—and yours is just getting started.

Chapter TWO

Uprooting Disappointment

Disappointment and bitterness can root deep into our hearts if we let them. It can be scary to break ground, but unearthing the past is necessary to move forward. Realizing and removing all the lies you believe about yourself is the first step to a healthy season.

Chapter three

It’s Time to Sow Seeds

In autumn, we can prepare for winter and spring by sowing seeds. There are all kinds of seeds and all kinds of soil. The best gardeners know when to plant and where. Learn about the Parable of the Sower as a guide.

Chapter four

When Everything Turns to Mud

We can’t ignore the realities of life. Sometimes things don’t work out, and they wither away. There is a season for everything under the sun. Even in the midst of decay and the battle of life, we have One who fights for us.